понеделник, 16 септември 2013 г.



According to online catalogue Slow Food Bulgaria today honey is still one of the most consumed foods in developed countries. Pure honey with a guaranteed quality gives people health and energy. It is a product of superior nutritional and taste qualities which can also be regarded as a drug. This we learned from many good gastronoms, such as the one at Villa Marciana, near Varna.

What is pure and natural honey? It is a nectar liquid collected from plants and processed by bees.

To collect 1 kg of honey bees must visit between 8 and 10 ml. flowers, or – to put it in other words – bees have to fly about 450,000 km, that is to travel around the globe 9-11 times!

Online catalogue Slow Food Bulgaria informs that honey can differ in color, aroma and taste depending on the flowers from which bees collect nectar, as well as season during which it is collected and the nature of the soil.

According to online catalogue Slow Food Bulgaria natural honey is recommended and helps to treat the following health problems:
- Gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, colitis and constipation);
- Respiratory diseases (of upper airways);
- Cardiovascular diseases (hypo- and hypertension, etc.)
- Gynaecological diseases (cervical erosion, vaginal inflammation, etc.)

Natural honey can be used in the local treatment of difficult-to-heal wounds, burns and some skin diseases. When the skin is broken after a trauma, microorganisms and other infections can easily enter the wound. Various surveys show that natural honey has a beneficial effect on open wounds. Honey causes profuse secretion of mucus which cleans the wound surface. It also stimulates tissue growth and helps the healing of difficult-to-heal wounds.

Online catalogue Slow Food Bulgaria informs that natural honey is an important ingredient in the daily diet of renal and hepatic patients, patients with neuroses, as well as a prevention of various diseases. Patients with restriction of sugars (e.g. with diabetes) should use pure natural honey carefully because sugars (glucose and fructose) contained in honey are absorbed by the human body without a need of fermented degradation unlike artificial sugar. However, people with a prohibition to eat sugar are recommended to consult a doctor about the consumption of natural honey.

Natural honey has also a soothing effect on the nervous system and can be used as an aid in neuroses together with insomnia. In those cases it is recommended three or four hours after dinner. Honey is also used in cosmetics in the form of face creams or face masks that soften skin and prevent skin inflammation and wrinkles.

According to online catalogue Slow Food Bulgaria it is recommended to use pure natural honey in weight loss diets in combination with bee pollen, royal jelly and propolis. This combination will ensure the maintenance of energy balance and provide the body with all necessary ingredients ensuring its vitality (carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, proteins, etc.).

Online catalogue Slow Food Bulgaria informs that the administration and dosage of honey can be as follows: Natural honey should be taken on an empty stomach, dissolved in a warm liquid with an approximate temperature of 40°C. The recommended dose of natural honey for one day is about 1 g per 1 kg of body weight.

Learn more about “Slow Food” movement with online catalogue Slow Food Bulgaria!

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